Understanding the Benefits of Tru-Flo® Food Grade Salt
Salt is ubiquitous on almost every kitchen table. It is also used to de-ice roads, remove impurities in manufacturing, and to create soap. Tru-Flo® food grade salt can be used in these industries, but because it is over 99% pure sodium chloride (NaCl) and only contains trace amounts of insoluble materials, it is best suited for culinary uses. Food ingredient supplier Bell Chem stocks Tru-Flo Evaporated Food Grade Salt for all your dietary needs.
Food flavoring
Flavoring and salt walk hand in hand. Tru-Flo salt has the unique capability of enhancing the other flavors of food, which is why many baked goods add salt as an ingredient to bring out the sweet flavors of sugar, chocolate, or other confections. Tru-Flo salt on its own is likewise a flavoring; we relate salt to almost every processed food, even those only minimally processed. Why do we eat more salt than is necessary? The human body craves salt to maintain homeostasis in the tissues and bloodstream. When this careful balance is upset, our brains deliver a signal that we must eat something salty and we reach for chips, condiments, or a jar of pickles.
Food preservation
Food preservation often calls for large amounts of salt (20% by weight) to cure meats or other foods. Tru-Flo salt draws out water from foods in a process known as osmosis, creating an inhospitable environment since the majority of organisms rely on water – which has been driven out – and cannot thrive in the now highly salted environment. Dried meats can be preserved without the use of refrigeration or canning.
The advantages of Tru-Flo salt
Tru-Flo salts have been naturally harvested from the sea, in natural brine, or in salt deposits on land. Once selected, these salts are manufactured until they are highly purified. You know your products will contain the highest grade sodium chloride possible with Tru-Flo salts.
Tru-Flo salts are also graded by granule size, ensuring the salt you purchase will dissolve at the same rapid rate producing a clear, briny solution. As a dry ingredient, Tru-Flo salt flows smoothly without clumping. Tru-Flo salts meet or exceed the expectations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Food Chemical Codex (FCC).
Bell Chem is a food ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including Tru-Flo Food Grade Salt. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.