Bell Chem

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How Oxine Keeps Brewing Safe

Brewers understand the importance of disinfecting equipment and work spaces, but most may not realize the benefits of oxine. Oxine is an extremely powerful sanitizer that needs no flushing or wiping down after application. It works against a wide variety of pathogens and is even utilized in hospitals to significantly slow the spread of COVID-19. Industrial chemical supplier Bell Chem wishes to introduce oxine to its brewery customers. Oxine finds uses throughout the brewing process, including the following.

CIP sanitizing

Chlorine-based products and hydrogen peroxide are ubiquitous in sanitizing and disinfecting. Oxine is much more powerful than either, with no residual by-products. Oxine and any food-grade acid combine and give off chlorine dioxide, which oxidizes microorganisms and renders them neutral. Since it kills both viruses and bacteria, Oxine helps prevent dead vats. When the oxidation reaction is complete, the remaining chlorine molecules combine with sodium to form virtually harmless sodium chloride, table salt. 

Pasteurizers, warmers, and coolers

In general, the waters within these systems are closed loop, meaning they are often open to the elements and are prime for contamination. Human error in the form of spills or broken containers creates a high organic load in the form of slime or malodorous bacteria and biofilm. A recent IFT summary report noted chlorine dioxide, a main component in the reaction of Oxine, as an extremely effective component in the destruction of biofilm. 

Closed-loop systems

Water samples prove closed-loop systems are not immune to biofilm contamination, which is commonly linked to back pressures. Once a system is infiltrated, it is extremely difficult to control microbial growth. Common chlorine treatments will stave off growth for a week or more, but it returns. The chemical disrupting properties of Oxine break the cycle and stabilize the water. Oxine is also used to disinfect specific sections of waterline in large brewery closed loop systems. 

Lube injection

Much like the closed loop systems, lube additive injection controls bacterial counts and removes biofilms. In addition, chains and conveyors benefit from Oxine’s addition by releasing caked-on grime, causing chains and conveyors to perform more smoothly and enhancing the odor with a fresh, clean smell.

Water replacement

When water remains clear and sanitary, it can be utilized in closed-loop systems for much longer stretches of time. This saves money and energy. Even better, Oxine does not harm metal pipes. 

Filler head assembly

As containers are filled, the likelihood of contamination increases greatly. Before a shift, clean the area, then spray with Oxine. At pre-set breaks during the day, low levels of Oxine sprayed on the filler head assembly reduce the incidence of microbial growth and sanitize all surfaces.

Mold control

Storage cellars are ideal for mold growth, which potentially leads to musty and unsanitary conditions. Spraying Oxine on the floors and walls kills the bacteria and leaves behind a fresh odor.

Rail tanker cars

Biofilm within large tanker cars contaminates products. After an initial cleaning, spray the interior with Oxine. Do not rinse with potable water since bacteria within the water may recontaminate the surfaces.

Bell Chem is an industrial chemical supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including CSANTM sanitation products. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.