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Xanthan Gum in the Food Industry

When glucose or another polysaccharide is fermented, the result is a natural carbohydrate gum — xanthan gum. This versatile ingredient has proven extremely useful with the public’s insistence of a greater abundance of gluten-free products. Learn how food ingredient distributor Bell Chem’s xanthan gum meets this need and many others. 


Consider ranch salad dressing as an example of how xanthan gum reacts in lower viscosity circumstances: When salad dressing is shaken, it’s easier to pour from the bottle. After the dressing has “settled,” it becomes thicker, which makes it more difficult to pour. Xanthan gum is added to many milk-based products to increase the viscosity, and shaking it will release chemical bonds, causing the product to become more liquefied.


Another one of xanthan gum’s properties is emulsification. Oil and water do not mix, and neither do milk and cream. When xanthan gum is added to a vinaigrette or to whole milk, the individual ingredients with chemical properties that do not allow for easy mixing will disperse evenly, giving the same taste from one bite to the next. 


Xanthan gum’s thickening properties are ideal for use as a substitute for wheat, barley, or any other grain containing gluten. When substituting, these products are able to be advertised as gluten-free while maintaining a similar mouthfeel and texture to traditional bread. 

The thickening property is used for more than gluten-free foods, though. The ability of xanthan gum to add bulk to products makes it ideal for soy milk, soups, gravies, and sauces. 


Xanthan gum has a wide temperature range of stabilization, which means it will keep ice cream from melting as quickly when it is removed to room temperature. It is also an ingredient in frozen foods to stabilize individual components within the meal. Xanthan gum also delays ice crystal formation when foods are frozen for extended periods of time.

Learn more about xanthan gum and its uses by contacting Bell Chem, your food ingredient distributor. Bell Chem is based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff handle all your needs by calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or send us an online message.