Applications of Dipropylene Glycol

Dipropylene glycol is a colorless, almost odorless liquid with low toxicity (hence its abundant use in cosmetics), and it has a high boiling point. Glycols, in general, are organic compounds beneath the alcohol umbrella of alcohols. However, your industrial chemical supplier Bell Chem’s dipropylene glycol finds uses beyond the cosmetics industry. Read below to discover how dipropylene glycol is utilized across a spectrum of industries. 

As a Catalyst in Polymerization

Many monomers do not readily form bonds with other monomers or polymers. Dipropylene glycol stimulates monomers to form multi-dimensional structures with other monomers, forming lengthy chains called polymers. Strands of polymers form plastics such as polystyrene and organic structures such as DNA!

As a Solvent

With its low toxicity and ability to suspend particles uniformly without detriment to their chemical structure, dipropylene glycol is frequently used in cosmetics, skincare products, hair products, and perfumes. When a product’s solids are suspended uniformly, the resulting gel or solid contains a consistent product throughout. The boiling point of dipropylene glycol (446.9°F or 230.5C) significantly decreases a product’s evaporation rate. 

As a Plasticizer/Dispersant

High-viscosity products are generally difficult to spread on the skin or hair. Dipropylene glycol reduces product viscosity, leading to shampoos and lotions that spread easily and evenly. The active ingredients in a highly viscous product are not readily absorbed through the skin. By thinning a medicated cream, these active ingredients are more easily absorbed through the integumentary system. The plastics industry takes full advantage of dipropylene glycol’s ability to increase fluidity (otherwise known as plasticity) of a product. Its major role is as an ingredient in the creation of polyvinyl chloride, commonly known as PVC.  

As a Masking Agent/Fragrance Ingredient

Active ingredients are often associated with a “medicine” smell, which many people find unpleasant. Dipropylene glycol not only masks the smell, it oftentimes eliminates the odor, leaving it virtually fragrance-free. 

Bell Chem is an industrial chemical supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products, including dipropylene glycol, stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.


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