Quality Control
At Bell Chem, we ensure quality control is a core value that permeates every department. We uphold strict standards throughout the entire process, from procurement and receiving, to storage and delivery. This guarantees that you receive only high quality products accompanied by accurate documentation. Moreover, we are registered with several regulatory authorities, demonstrating our commitment to meeting industry regulations and maintaining high quality standards.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
Food Safety 3rd Party Audit
Bell Chem has been audited and verified compliant under the supervision of D.L. Newslow and Associates by the following criteria:
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) US FDA Title 21 CFR 117
Codex Alimentarious (Codex CAC/GL 69-2008 Guidlines for the Validation of Food Safety Control Measures)
Related HACCP & PRP Requirements as defined in FSSC 22000:2013