
Monique Day Monique Day

Key Benefits of Flaxseed Oil in Food Production

While food ingredient supplier Bell Chem recognizes the importance of flaxseed oil — also recognized as flax oil or linseed oil — we realize that some clients may not. Below is information to assist in your choice of the best oil for your specific food production. Chances are, flaxseed oil will fill those needs and give your end users the benefit of better health. 

Flaxseed oil contains omega-3 fats, considered essential fats since our bodies cannot manufacture them; they must be obtained from our diets. This gives flaxseed oil an extremely important role in what we consume. How can it help your consumers? 

Contains omega-3 fats

When most consumers think of fat, they believe they need to cut it out of their diets. However, polyunsaturated omega-3 fats reduce the risk of heart disease and arrhythmia, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), blood clots, and even premature death for those with an underlying heart condition by lowering levels of cholesterol. Alpha linoleic acid (ALA) in particular has proven beneficial to treat obesity, insulin resistance, and may aid in preventing diabetic retinopathy.

Rich in lignans

Lignans are considered antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Antioxidants, such as the tocopherols, beta-carotene, phytosterols, polyphenols, and flavonoids present in flaxseed oil, are recognized as reducing oxidation of cells, which can damage or destroy them. 

Inflammation has been a hot topic for many years as contributing to dozens of health issues, such as heart disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. When cells are under the stress of countering excess oxygen, the addition of flaxseed oil to allay that stress also stanches inflammation, a response to cellular stress. These stressors may extend to the reduction of specific types of cancer, including breast cancer. 

Bone and muscle strength

Flaxseed oil stimulates osteoblast activity, which increases bone mineral density to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. For muscles, the composition of skeletal muscle cells’ semipermeable lipid membrane is strengthened with flaxseed oil.

Immunology boosting

A study determined that rats given a course of flaxseed oil over time were less susceptible to Streptococcus pheumoniae infections than those not dosed with flaxseed oil, proving the efficacy of flaxseed oil’s antimicrobial activities. At least 6 additional microbial families were thwarted by the immune system of animals dosed with flaxseed oil.

Bell Chem is your food ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including flaxseed oil. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message

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Monique Day Monique Day

Understanding Caffeine as a USP Ingredient

The jittery burst of energy most consumers enjoy from their jolt of coffee has uses outside the confines of a coffee cup. Caffeine as a USP ingredient is heavily documented and readily recognized as one of USP ingredient supplier Bell Chem’s most useful products. 

Caffeine as a vasoconstrictor

Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning it decreases the diameter of blood vessels. With this slight shrinkage, blood flow within epidermal capillaries is restricted enough for the skin to appear brighter and more toned. Find caffeine as an ingredient in anti-aging formulas and wrinkle reduction creams for the face, eyes, and entire body.

When creams containing caffeine are applied under the eyes, less blood pools at the skin’s surface eliminating dark patches beneath the eyes and reducing edema. 

Caffeine as an antioxidant

Caffeine can protect against UVA and UVB rays when applied to the skin. Even more, ongoing research suggests antioxidants may also restore damaged cells, including cancerous cells as it causes apoptosis (cell death) in these renegade cells.

Caffeine in healthcare

Premature infants need constant care, and caffeine works on several fronts to preserve the well-being of preemies. In times of respiratory distress, caffeine acts as a respiratory stimulant. This decreases apneic episodes and induces the diaphragm to contract more regularly. One in 10 babies born – 15 million infants – suffers from apnea and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a condition which can lead to asthma or emphysema later in life. The addition of caffeine in the care regimen of these tiny babies reduces these distressing situations and improves the lives of these children long term.

Migraine sufferers have long sought relief with caffeine, and many medications for migraine relief contain caffeine for its vasoconstricting properties.

Bell Chem is your USP ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including nutritious ingredients for your functional sweets. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message

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Monique Day Monique Day

What is Heptane, and How is it Used?

The world is dependent on crude oil for many of its functions, and one of crude oil’s derivatives is heptane. Industrial chemical supplier Bell Chem ensures it stocks heptane because of its myriad uses across industries. Learn how your business can benefit from heptane by reading below. 

Petroleum industries

Heptane is a volatile, colorless, straight-chain hydrocarbon distilled from petroleum. It is basically water-insoluble. Combine that with its high volatility, and it is easier to understand the octane rating scale. Heptane naturally combusts in gasoline, and low-octane gasoline contains excess heptane, which causes engines to “knock.” 

This combustibility, which is undesirable in automotive engines, proves ideal for other fuel-consuming machines, such as liquid fuel stoves used in camping or other outdoor activities. These stoves require rapid and ongoing heat and heptane’s constant combustion is ideal.

Heptane isomers

Breaking down heptane adds further dimensions for its uses, including in aviation fuel, naphtha, paint coatings and thinners, and in pharmaceutical manufacturing.


The ability to lift fingerprints from hard surfaces has benefited law enforcement for decades. Heptane acts as a solvent in the development of latent prints — invisible to the naked eye, but evident with physical or chemical manipulation — as it ensures the print’s clarity without denaturing oil-based ink.

Food industry

Vegetable oil is not easily released from its host. Heptane isomers are responsible for chemically extracting the oil by separating the solid proteins from the oil in canola, cottonseed, peanuts, soybeans, and sunflower seeds.


Printer inks use heptane as a solvent since it suspends dyes to deliver consistent colors copy after copy. Even more, the pages are slick and colorfast.

Rubber industry

Ever wonder why tires are “vulcanized”? In the past, tires would melt when subjected to hot summer roads. Vulcanization prevents tires from breaking down in extreme temperatures, and heptane is a main component as a compounder in this process. 

Rubber cement also requires heptane to work properly. The ability to physically spread rubber onto a surface is possible when heptane evenly distributes tiny particles of rubber throughout its solvent base.

Bell Chem is your industrial chemical supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including nutritious ingredients for your functional sweets. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message

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Monique Day Monique Day

How Xanthan Gum Holds Beauty Products Together

When you manufacture cosmetics and personal care products, it is important to recognize the roles of many of the ingredients necessary for products to react in predictable ways. Xanthan gum, for instance, is one of the products personal care raw ingredients supplier Bell Chem supplies to thicken and emulsify beauty products, from lotions to hair care products and beyond.

Xanthan gum forms in a fermentation process with the bacteria Xanthomonas campestris imbibes on sugar to create a gummy substance ideal for binding or thickening ingredients. For skincare, the addition of xanthan gum makes products silkier, helps in spreading topical cosmetics, and deters the breakdown of products into their singular components. 

Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide, or complex sugar molecule. As such, it not only acts as an emulsifier, but it also may greatly benefit the epithelium. A metadata study concluded that polysaccharides have the potential to act as an “…antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, healing, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antidiabetic, anticoagulant, insecticidal, hypolipidemic, antiparasitic, and radioprotective” agent. How many other emulsifiers can make this claim?

The beauty of emulsification

Many products tend not to naturally combine, such as water and oil. With so many beauty products containing both these ingredients, the tendency to separate is great. Xanthan gum prevents oil from floating to the surface of bottles and containers by binding the water to the oil – emulsification. This improves texture and spreadability, and consumers appreciate that xanthan gum is a natural product that can be used in minute amounts to create the perfect results. 

Thicker products, better results

At a low shear rate (minimal force), xanthan gum maintains its high viscosity. This gives it the ability to maintain its shape when mechanically manipulated; it is still able to be squeezed through a tube, for instance, without breaking down. This makes it ideal for many cosmetics and skin care products, especially those containing high pigmentation since uniformity is key in spreading even coloration.

While some products are viscous at specific temperatures and pH ranges, xanthan gum is stable between 10 and 60 Celsius (50° - 140° Fahrenheit) and from pH 3 to 12.

Viscosity and lather are surprisingly closely connected. A viscous product, when manipulated, produces air pockets – bubbles – that are perceived as lather. Rather than quickly popping, as soap bubbles are prone to do, lather with xanthan gum maintains its stability even with manipulation.

As a natural product with no recorded reactions with other ingredients, xanthan gum hinders neither products nor the human body. 

Bell Chem is your personal care raw ingredients supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including xanthan gum. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.

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Monique Day Monique Day

Understanding the Trend Toward Functional Sweets

Consumers like to feel good about what they are eating, whether it’s a healthy salad or a sugary snack. Nutritional ingredient supplier Bell Chem wishes to demystify the role of functional sweets for commercial producers to keep up with the latest trends. Knowing today’s functional sweet market constitutes $3.7 billion a year and will increase to almost $6 billion in 5 years, it is imperative to understand consumer trends in this expanding market.

Cookies with a punch

Almost 1/5 of parents (19%) report they would prefer to give their children healthy cookies if the option was available. Most parents recognize their children readily choose cookies over fruits or vegetables, so adding vitamins, such as A, C, and E, and minerals, including folic acid, magnesium, phosphoric acid, and zinc normally found in fresh produce into confections satisfy both children and parents. 

The gut microbiome is foremost on the minds of many consumers; adding pre- and probiotics to cookies along with natural fiber reduces bloating and regulates a healthy gut. Two of the fastest-growing food categories happen to be probiotics and fiber.

Fuel for the body

Gone are the days when consumers would grab a candy bar in between breakfast and lunch. Instead, they look for snacks that satisfy more than hunger and a product that stresses the importance of nutrition, rest, recovery, or sleep. Cookies and cereals have recently begun boasting sleep-related products to lull the public into a proper night’s rest. Consumers are turning to magnesium, chamomile, and lavender. Many industries rely on sleep health experts to create products specific to this trend, especially considering the body’s natural tendency is to consume a sweet snack close to bedtime. Because high-glycemic snacks and quality of sleep are at odds, snack makers find working with experts key to improving their foods.

Less sugar, all the flavor

Advertising products containing less sugar than other national brands is another trend consumers have found alluring. Most manufacturers heavily sweeten their products, and even a reduction of 25% is not typically noticeable – except in the uptick of sales. While many snacks are looking toward sugar alternatives such as erythritol, Stevia, and sucralose to lower the total amount of calories, simply adding less sugar is a feasible alternative. 

More foods, better health

As with cookies, probiotics are often added to other sweets to promote digestive health, vitamins including beta-carotene, C, and E are added as antioxidants, caffeine and adaptogens stimulate the body, and collagen improves the skin and joints. Adding these products generally does not alter the flavor or appearance of snacks, just the bottom line as consumers snatch them off the shelf.

Seasonal and limited-time offers

Seasonal offers – pasta shaped like snowflakes or pumpkin spice anything – appeal to shoppers because they will only be around for a short while before retiring for another year. Limited-time offers might showcase a celebrity or event such as the Olympics or the Super Bowl and become the must-have snack for watching these events. Creating short-term snacks boosts sales with their unique shapes or flavors.

Skipping the allergies

Consumers have long recognized their allergies, and industries are paying closer attention. Snacks with egg, milk, wheat, soy, and nut alternatives have hit the shelves, and consumers are excited. Dietary restrictions may be due to health concerns, allergic reactions, or religious beliefs – Bell Chem offers a large variety of Kosher products for our customers. Regardless, these differing varieties have caused a major stir, especially with gluten-free varieties of snacks, which have led the pack in releases in new product launches at a 23% share. 

Bell Chem is your nutritional ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including nutritious ingredients for your functional sweets. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message

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Monique Day Monique Day

Uses of Soybean Oil Across Industries

What comes to mind when you think of soybeans? An alternative to petroleum? Freshly baked cookies? Skincare products? It seems incredible that one product can fit all these categories, but soybean oil is indeed remarkably good at fulfilling all these roles. Food ingredient supplier Bell Chem shares the following information on a few of the myriad ways soybean oil can be used across industries.

Food industry

The high smoke point of soybean oil gives it an edge when it comes to intense heat. In deep frying, soybean oil reigns at the top of its class. More than half of the world’s vegetable oil consumption is in the form of soybean oil.


Soybean oil is a stellar ingredient in moisturizing products because it penetrates deep into the skin without feeling greasy. This plumps the cells underlying the epidermis, causing the skin to look radiant and healthy. This same reaction occurs when soybean oil is added to haircare products: the hair looks shiny and healthy. Massage oils often call on soybean oil’s quick absorption rate as it glides smoothly along the skin’s surface.

Soybean oil’s inclusion in topical cosmetics deters the loss of moisture in the atmosphere. Naturally loaded with vitamin E, soybean oil has an antioxidant effect and defrays damage caused by UV radiation. Therefore, manufacturers often add this ingredient to anti-aging creams as well as sunscreens. 


From paints and varnishes to biodiesel, soybean oil’s tie to the chemical industry is undisputed. You can find soybean oil in the resins used in the manufacture of automobiles and aerospace products, as an emulsifier in paints, and as an excellent alternative to renewable diesel. 90% to 96% of biodiesel is based on soybean oil. Soybean oil in the tank of vehicles reduces greenhouse gas emissions and reduces reliance on fossil fuels. 

Medical facilities

When a patient is unable to consume food orally, parenteral nutrition is essential. Soybean oil becomes a winning source of fatty acids and calorie consumption.

Pharmaceutical industry

Capsules contain soybean oil as a filler to administer exact doses of active ingredients into the human body.

Animal husbandry

Adding soybean oil to animal feed increases energy, and animals seem to enjoy the flavor of soybean oil. When soybean oil is added to feed, animals tend to gain weight more rapidly when compared with animals given feed without soybean oil as an ingredient.

Bell Chem is your food ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including soybean oil. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message

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Monique Day Monique Day

Keeping Up with Demand for Better Pet Food

Think back ten years as consumers scanned the pet food aisles of your local grocery store. Chances are the choices were canned dog or cat food or hundreds of bags of kibble. The ingredients were even more distressing – were these ingredients nutritious for your favorite pooch? Fortunately we have turned the corner on pet nutrition and your food ingredient supplier, Bell Chem, has all the best choices for your pet food business. Read below to learn the basics as well as the latest trends on keeping man’s best friend healthier longer.

Helping the environment as you help pets

Proteins need not be based solely on poultry or cattle. Many manufacturers are turning to insect proteins to supplement their pets’ health or more environmentally-friendly plant proteins, such as chickpeas. Another innovation is adding many of the nutrient-rich botanicals consumers enjoy in their own packaged foods, including ginseng and magnesium.

Another concern is how environmentally unfriendly pet food bags are. With the addition of polypropylene, pet food bags are more biodegradable and even recyclable! 


The superfoods in which consumers have been partaking are now proudly splashed across many packages in the pet food aisle. Look for many fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, sweet potatoes, and red bell peppers, as well as omega-3 rich chia and flaxseed. 

With the majority of pet products listing wheat, corn, or soy as a main ingredient, many pet owners find relief in grain-free pet foods, such as those with flaxseed, chia, or oats.

Personalized nutrition

Online retailers have a direct to consumer advantage with digital questionnaires querying their customers about their pet’s age, weight, nutritional requirements, and more. With this information, manufacturers are able to personalize a diet for each individual pet, giving information on the amount of wet versus dry food as a specific food is created based on each pet’s needs. In-store brands have countered with weight- and age-specific products along with products touting joint health or active lifestyles. 

Individualized formulas are likely to include any of the following, depending on the needs of the pet. 

  • Turmeric, glucosamine HCl, and chondroitin sulfate for joint health

  • Calcium and betaine HCl for strong bones

  • Co Q-10 for heart and muscle health 

  • Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) as well as the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C

  • Yeast, ginger and honey for digestive health

Many pet foods also advertise “grain free”, which generally uses rolled oats or oat flour, tapioca, cassava, legumes, or the like as a nourishing base to bulk up the more nutritious ingredients.  

Bell Chem is your food ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including dozens of pet food additives for healthier animals. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message

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Monique Day Monique Day

Food Trends for Businesses to Follow in 2025

Looking into the near future and recognizing food trends is more complicated than consulting a crystal ball. Simply looking at recent trends and incorporating those ideas into the future is not predictable for food trends. 

However, food ingredient supplier Bell Chem recognizes many food trends are based on spontaneous notions that take off on social media. These trends may last years, or just be a proverbial flash in the pan. Regardless, it’s important to keep ahead of food trends and not as surprising as you might imagine if you have the proper key ingredients on hand to create the perfect foods not only for 2025, but for years to come. 

Mental boosts on the menu

One of the more positive side effects of the pandemic has been the pointed emphasis on mental health and well-being. The world has taken notice of the importance of being mentally fit, and marketing trends have definitely picked up on that. For example, to invoke comfort, choose a nostalgic flavor, such as brown sugar or cinnamon. Want adventure? Reach for a smoky or spicy snack containing phenolics or capsaicin. Or how about a nice calming botanical or low-sugar food or beverage containing d-limonene? 

Clean it up

A recent trend moving away from ultra-processed foods to “cleaner” foods brings organics and natural foods into the fore. Look for ingredient labels containing ascorbic acid as a preservative, oat flour or any other single-ingredient grain, carrageenan as an emulsifier and thickener, coconut oil as a fat, and many other nutritious ingredients. Other clean choices include rose hips, lavender, and honey added in everything from bakery goods to sauces. 

Aromatic ingredients

The sense of smell is more closely related to the sense of taste than most people realize. To this end, many predictions favor the addition of aromatic ingredients often found in essential oils or beauty care products, such as lemongrass, which has found a home as a seasoning on meat dishes and in alcoholic beverages.

Great taste, less sugar

The number one priority for many health-conscious consumers worldwide is reducing sugars in their foods and beverages. In fact, 57% of those polled globally wish to curb their sugar intake. Replacing sugars with a more poignant flavor, such as an herb or another botanical enhances the flavor profile without the needed appeal of sugar. Even confections are following this trend, offering honey and dates as sugar alternatives and adding interesting combinations of natural ingredients such as lemon/thyme to pique the palate.

Umami for you and me

The pungent, meaty profile of umami has found its way into our diets and is anticipated only to grow. Look for this flavor in sauces and garnishes in the form of mushrooms and fish. Want to add the spark of umami without the fishy flavor? Turn to glutamates and garlic oil.

Bell Chem is your food ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including many of the ingredients your business needs to meet the latest food trends. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.

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Monique Day Monique Day

Understanding the Uses of Boric Acid Across Industries

Boric acid seems so banal. Naturally odorless and tasteless, boric acid occurs almost everywhere around the world. However, it hides its superpowers in its multiple industrial uses. Industrial cleaning chemical supplier Bell Chem introduces just a few of the myriad uses of boric acid your industry might find compelling.

Various Uses of Boric Acid

Medical and Hygienic Products

Antiseptics prevail in boric acid, giving it top billing in many medical and hygienic products. It is commonly used in the treatment of burns, minor cuts, scrapes, and external ear infections.

Building Materials

When creating a more durable building material, boric acid plays a vital role in hardening steel. It coats the surface of heated steel, impeding oxidation and the build-up of carbon.

Cosmetic Industry

Boric acid plays many roles in the cosmetic industry, including acting as an emulsifier to congeal fats and waters, a pH stabilizer, a preservative, and a buffering agent.

Flame Retardant Products

Products such as furniture, insulation, and mattresses are often treated with boric acid to make them flame retardant.

Oil Drilling and Glass Manufacturing

In gas exploration, drilling, and production, boric acid stabilizes temperature fluctuations in drilling fluids as it prevents unnecessary polymer formation. This thermal regulation carries over to glass manufacturing by maintaining temperature and chemical resistance in glass end products.

Insecticide and Lumber Treatment

Boric acid is an effective insecticide, disrupting insects' digestive and neural systems. It is also used to treat lumber to deter insect damage.

Laundry Detergents

In laundry detergents, boric acid acts as a degreaser, effectively eliminating tough stains.

Plant Nurseries

Boric acid bolsters boron deficiencies in plant nurseries. Boron is a micronutrient that strengthens cell walls and aids in the transport of nutrients within a plant's structure.

Food Industry

In the food industry, boric acid increases crispness and elasticity in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Antibacterial Properties

Boric acid solutions stave off gram-negative bacterial infections, improving chronic wound treatments with increased red blood cells, collagen synthesis, and fibroblasts.

Swimming Pools

Treating swimming pools with boric acid not only kills algae but also stabilizes the pH. When used with chlorine, less chlorine is necessary, making the pool look cleaner.

Bell Chem is your industrial cleaning chemical supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including boric acid. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.

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Alkaline Cleaners vs. Acidic Cleaners

When surfaces need to be cleaned, many consumers might not recognize that cleaners may be neutral (water), alkaline (basic), or acidic. Cleaning chemical supplier Bell Chem is here to unravel the mystery of why some surfaces should be cleaned with an acidic cleaner while others need the power of alkalinity.

Alkaline cleaners

On one end of the pH scale are the alkaline cleaners. With a pH exceeding 7 on a scale of 0-14, alkaline cleaners excel in dissolving protein-based deposits such as animal fat, grease, and oil. These products contain hydroxide, with formulas such as potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. Soil is generally acidic, which means an alkaline cleaner breaks up soil deposits to be quickly rinsed away.

Metal cleaning is important as an industry, but is also highly necessary for all industrial machinery. Alkaline salts such as calcium hydroxide, potassium chloride, and sodium carbonate and bicarbonate are excellent metal cleaning specialists. 

Acidic cleaners 

Acidic cleaners are meant for heavy-duty cleaning and many require personal protective gear while handling. Knowing that, it is understandable that acids are marvels at removing inorganic materials such as lime, rust, scale, and soap scum. Examples of acidic cleaners often contain the word “acid” to ensure your product is low on the pH scale, such as hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, and phosphoric acid. 

Hot water tanks and other interior surfaces that contain heated water often have lime build ups combated with acidic cleaners such as acetic acid or citric acid. Water purification causes excess deposition of chemicals that muriatic acid can remove. Shining metals such as aluminum are significantly eased with hydrochloric acid. Phosphoric acid quickly removes rust from surfaces. If your industry focuses on concrete, hydrogen chloride removes concrete from metal surfaces, but must be used with caution.

Remember, the job of cleaners – both alkaline and acidic – is to remove debris from surfaces. It is best to use a detergent and/or disinfectant on working surfaces coming into contact with food after cleaners are applied and rinsed.

Bell Chem, cleaning chemical supplier, is based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including a wide array of alkaline cleaners. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355).

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