How Creatine Monohydrate Can Up Your Supplement Game

After undertaking more than 2000 studies, creatine monohydrate has proven to be the top performance supplement for muscle endurance and body building training. Nutritional ingredient supplier Bell Chem has several facts about how creatine monohydrate can increase customer demand for your products.


Creatine began almost in secret as a supplement for bodybuilders, but its effects reach far beyond muscle bulk. Athletes working on anaerobic as well as strength activities find creatine monohydrate improves their performance both on the field and at rest since it stimulates a faster recovery between workouts.


Compared to other supplements, creatine monohydrate has been shown to be harmless even after taking far more than the recommended daily dose of 3-5 grams for more than half a decade. 


Creatine monohydrate is composed of amino acids: glycine, methionine, and arginine. Together these are a component of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the ultimate form of explosive muscular energy. No steroids or stimulants are added.


Because creatine is created within the human body from animal proteins, vegetarians may not have access to this important dietary component without the aid of a supplement. Creatine monohydrate answers this need to propel these athletes to greater heights.


The “monohydrate” portion of its name gives every molecule of amino acids a molecule of water. This small dose of hydration stimulates protein synthesis, which builds muscles. Since 95% of creatine is stored in muscle tissue, the effects of added energy to those tissues are continuous. 

Overall improvements

Athletes using creatine monohydrate note increases in muscle mass, power, and fatigue resistance. As muscles increase in size, they are able to take on more challenges, such as sprinting faster, hitting harder, or lifting heavier. Creatine monohydrate allows athletes to store more glycogen for use during an event, then reduce inflammation and cellular damage after the stress of competition.

Bell Chem is a nutritional ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including creatine monohydrate. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.


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