Glycerine Uses in Pharmaceutical Products

Glycerine (C3H8O3, glycerol, or glycerin) has long been recognized for its range of uses in pharmacy and personal health care products. Bell Chem, USP ingredient supplier, wishes to share many of the advantages glycerine USP has within the realm of healthcare. 

A USP Ingredient

What exactly is USP and why is it important? The United States Pharmacopeia has strict guidelines on the biologics, testing, compounding, and manufacturing of all aspects of pharmaceutical products. Using tested analytical tools to deliver the highest levels of predictability across all forms of testing and manufacture, a USP-registered product is recognized as one with the highest level of certainty that the contents match the known label. 

Adding Sweetness

Glycerine USP’s sweet flavor leads to its inclusion as an excipient in many syrups and lozenges. As a matter of fact, glycerine is second only to water as a pharmaceutical excipient. 

Turning Up the Volume

The viscous, syrupy flow of glycerine USP aids in the formulation of creams, expectorants, suppositories, jellies, and gel capsules. Many cough and cold remedies add glycerine as an expectorant. Its increased volume also soothes eyes when it is an added ophthalmic ingredient. It is often used to help treat glaucoma since glycerine USP reduces and stabilizes intraocular pressure by removing excess fluid in the aqueous and vitreous humors, delivering them safely into the bloodstream. Ophthalmologists also rely on glycerine during surgical procedures. The middle ear is greatly soothed when glycerine is included in ear drops as it coats the ear canal.

Adding Pressure

Intravenous application of glycerine reduces cerebral edema as it draws water from inside the cranium. Elsewhere in the body, glycerine is the primary ingredient given in preparation of a colonoscopy as it removes water from the surrounding tissues to be eliminated. 

Aiding Skin Health

Non comedogenic glycerine gently cleanses the skin without clogging pores without the use of harsh chemicals. – a boon for those suffering from acne or other skin inflammation anomalies.

Extreme dry skin is no match to glycerine since it acts as a barrier to the epidermis, countering the removal of moisture to the environment as it draws water from the air into the skin. Many anti-aging creams contain glycerine for its ability to leave the skin softer and smoother because of this water-trapping ability.

Bell Chem is a USP ingredient supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including glycerine. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message


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