Bell Chem

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The Benefits of Aloe

Aloe vera is a succulent plant well known for its healing properties, especially in treating burns. The viscous gel inside the leaves contains a bevy of amino acids, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, giving aloe vera a strong corner in industries such as cosmetics, food and beverage, and pharmaceuticals. The annual global market value of aloe has skyrocketed to $13 billion. The personal care raw materials supplier Bell Chem has long stocked its impressive inventory with aloe vera.

Aloe contains polyphenols, which can help with digestion, weight management, bacterial growth, and more. Polyphenols encompass a large family of antioxidants that prevent bacterial growth. Because bacteria are closely associated with infection, aloe has had centuries of use as a healing salve, keeping wounds and burns free of microbes and stimulating healing.

Scientific Studies
Several studies have proven aloe vera is responsible for accelerating burn victims’ healing time by nine days when compared to traditional medication. Canker sores treated with aloe vera also reduce in size. Although aloe did not match corticosteroids in treating canker sores, the amount of pain associated with the sores diminished with aloe vera treatment, and ulcers healed more quickly with its topical application.

A 2014 study published in the Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences compared 100% pure aloe vera extract, which contains naturally elevated amounts of vitamin C, to chlorhexidine (the active ingredient in most toothpastes) and found aloe to be as effective in reducing the amount of bacterial biofilm (plaque) on teeth. Aloe acted in killing or preventing the growth of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans in the mouth.

Keep aloe vera on hand as a fantastic additive for your pharmaceutical, food and beverage, or cosmetics business. Bell Chem, the personal care raw materials supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) has hundreds of products, including aloe vera, stocked in our 50,000+ square-foot warehouse. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.