Triethanolamine Uses in Skin Care Products
In case you have not noted the ingredient “triethanolamine” on labels of skin care products in the past, Bell Chem, your trusted personal care chemical supplier, wishes to give you a little background information on this fantastic ingredient and how it can positively impact many of your skin care products. As a liquid, triethanolamine is clear, colorless, and viscous. It is considered a “non-active” ingredient since it does not impact the human body; however, it significantly changes the chemistry of the other chemicals it comes into contact with.
Adding triethanolamine as an ingredient allows chemical bonds to change, which means fluids not easily mixed can be thoroughly processed into one main product. Thinking of an oil and water salad dressing, adding triethanolamine causes the immiscible ingredients to mix thoroughly and homogeneously without the need for shaking the container before every use.
pH adjuster
Triethanolamine has been found to work well with acidic compounds, bringing their pH down to a level safe for sensitive skin. However, it works in the opposite direction as well, stabilizing higher pH levels to more acceptable skin care levels.
Creating a creamy texture for a shaving cream or gel that lasts every time it is used is difficult unless triethanolamine is present to stabilize the mixture to ensure its shelf life is extended.
Triethanolamine decreases a liquid’s surface tension, giving it the ability to blend more easily with another liquid, or even a solid or gas.
When viscous triethanolamine is added to a product, it adds body and density to the formula’s feel. This factor solidifies triethanolamine’s inclusion in hand sanitizer, sunscreen, lotions, and ear drops to provide a better consistency.
Bell Chem is a personal care chemical supplier based in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando) with hundreds of products stocked in their 50,000+ square-foot warehouse, including triethanolamine. You can expect the highest quality products, expedited shipping options for maximum efficiency, and unrivaled personalized customer service. Let our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives and accounting staff personalize all your needs by either calling 407-339-BELL (2355) or by sending us an online message.